My Teatime Review

my teatime review

My Teatime Review

my teatime review



Disclaimer! This post is not for you if you don’t drink tea! LOL

What do you reach for when stressed out? When there is an emergency? When it’s cold out? When it’s hot out? What is the Nation’s tipple of choice? If you yelled tea you would be right!  It’s not often I reach for a stiff drink! I honestly do not know where or when this love affair started! I do know though that I drink a fair amount of it, even if coffee is trying to rear its head and get me to drink more of it as I sleep less and less and have to get up earlier and earlier!

I am very particular about my tea and may even alienate some people by saying that I cannot stand Tetley, sorry I am a PG Tips or a Twinnings girl! All you Tetley lovers we can be friends just let me know I need to bring my own teabags round!

I am trying to drink and consume less dairy so I drink herbal teas (which are stored in my desk drawers) at work as its long to carry my lunch, snacks, 2 litres of water already without having to carry a dairy free milk alternative daily as we cannot store milk food overnight in the fridges at work. As a result, I am always on the lookout for new herbal brews to try and when I was sent some tea a few weeks back I jumped at the chance to sample some.

Ruby Chan is the lovely lady behind My Teatime and is the resident Tea Fairy. She created a subscription service whereby you can have your tea sent to your destination of choice and there is everything you need inside to make a brew. Well, except for hot water and a cup! You literally open and away you go.

I will, however, have to take the time and describe for you as I in my infinite wisdom have disposed of the box and the consumed all the tea and didn’t take any proper photos for my blog! sigh but I will be ordering more so will update when I receive my next delivery!

Inside I received three pots of Ruby’s unique blends and one limited edition blooming tea capsules. I managed to get a picture of that one but was at work and as such didn’t have my DSLR or a nice cup to actually do the tea any justice it unfurled and was mesmerizing and well, I failed to capture it on camera #EpicFail

This is what I managed to get… Blooming Flower tea Blooming Flower tea Blooming Flower tea Blooming Flower tea

I literally did the flower no justice at all!
The teas all come labelled which does prevent you seeing the gorgeous, vibrant teas inside (but then I didn’t take photos so shrugs). Ruby has assured me that she is looking to get transparent labels for the teas. so this shouldn’t be an issue much longer!The labels recommend a brew time, how many servings per pot, and if you can get more than one brew per serving of tea as some of them are re-infusible.


They all have their individual benefits but for me the best by far was the Jasmine tea although I got my colleagues to sample them all and we all liked a different tea! Go figure. We all agreed that not one tea on the box was unpleasant on the tongue. My only real criticism would be that unless you have a tea strainer, you  have to make your own teabags which is cute at first but is ever so annoying after a while! I went out and bought a tea strainer I just couldn’t be asked after I had made a few cups and the novelty had worn off! Everyone enjoyed the fact that the tea was reusable. They saw that as fantastic value for money! Especially as they all agreed the subscription service was at a brilliant price point, £4.50 per box.

I will add that Ruby is currently running an offer on My Teatime where you can get an extra box with your first order if you use the discount code LAUNCH15 just remember to get you camera out and film your blooming flower tea unfurl because it is a fascinating thing to see!

I will definitely have mine at the ready when my next box arrives!

Help Ruby and My Teatime get the recognition and support they deserve! Share this review so more people are aware of her and get your subscription already! What are you waiting for? Make sure you have the Nations drink of choice, it might not be Tetley insert sick emoji Lol. It may not be Twinnings insert heart eyed emoji but it is tea and it’s just as comforting!

Also, hit me up and follow me on my social media! Come say ‘Hi’


Until next time



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