Fry’s Review

Fry Review Fry's Review image Fry’s Review image


Hi Everyone,

So I have been gone ages. I know. I have really fallen off. All my friends and family know that I kinda lost my mojo and they have been encouraging me to get back on it. I can honestly say I am incredibly grateful for the motivation and kind words and the kick up the backside I needed to get back online and blog, vlog and YouTube away! I have loads of content so I hope you don’t get sick of me!

Back in January, I participated in Veganuary and although I didn’t document at the time I managed to last 31 days a vegan. It was incredibly hard. However I managed to create loads of recipes and I will share them with you in due course.

However off the back of participating in Veganuary, I was contacted to review Fry’s products. They are trying to ‘make the world a better place one veggie meal at a time’ I participated in 7 days of meatless meals and whilst I didn’t take pictures of my meals I did review the products that were sent to me. Save me writing a long blog post about it I decided to make a youtube video!


So you get to hear and see me review the products and let you know I am back! With a vengeance!

Anyway, enjoy!

Fry’s Review

Have you tried Fry’s before? Think you will try Fry’s? If you have or will hit me up let me know your thoughts! Even if you won’t come say HI ANYWAY using the comment section or one of the links below!


I will see you in the week with a blog post! Until then peeps…..


Mwah Xx




  • 8 June, 2016 6:59 pm

    Thanks for this! It made me chuckle. And I’m intrigued by the ‘chicken’ nuggets ☺

    • Ashleigh
      8 June, 2016 7:59 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it. If you try them let me know how you get on.

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